DOS VIDAS. ZWEI LEBEN. - versión calle

A project by Christoph Frick and KLARA-Theaterproduktionen

Based on the biografies of Jorge Antonio Arias Cortez and Nicola Benjamin Fritzen

Fotos © Antonio Suarez Weise


Kaserne Basel (CH)

versión sala (theatre version)

04., 05., 06. Februar 2023, Europe Premiere


Ballhaus Ost, Berlin (D)

versión sala (theatre version)

16., 17., 18., 19. Februar 2023


Festival FITCRUZ, Santa Cruz de la Sierra (BOL)

versión calle - adaption for the urban space (bridge over the Canal Isuto)

24., 25., 26. April 2023,  South America Premiere


Festival auawirleben, Bern, (CH)

versión sala (theatre version)

11., 12. Mai 2023


Festival Internacional de Teatro, Tarragona, (ES) 

versión sala (theatre version)

3. September, 2023


Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de La Rioja, Logroño (ES)
versión calle (adaption for the urban space)

7. September, 2023


Proyecto mARTadero (BOL)

versión sala (theatre version)

10. Mai 2024

versión calle - adaption for the urban space

11. Mai 2024


FITAZ - Festival Internacional de Teatro de La Paz (BOL)

versión sala (theatre version)

15. Mai 2024


Münchner Kammerspiele (D)

versión Block-Party (fiesta de barrio)

with DJ Coco Maria (Mexico)

24, 25. Juli 2024

Music Club Import-Export


FITICH - Festival Intenacional de Teatro Itinerante, Chiloé,

versión calle - adaption for the urban space
16., 22.Oktober 2024

versión sala (theatre version)

19. Oktober 2024


Water is hardly there anymore. But plastic garbage in a residual black broth that flows under the bridge over the Canal Isuto. The bank on the right side is brown. Located behind is the favela Los Sauces with simple dwellings, built without a permit. The left bank is lined with well-kept green lawns. A 5-star hotel with the European title Swissotel towers into the sky: 25 floors, 130 beds, spa area, roof terrace with pool and bar. The nature reserve Fuentes begins directly behind the hotel.


When a bridge becomes stage

Less than 50 meters separate the hotel from the favela. A bridge leads across the canal. And yet the two places are two separate hemispheres without exchange. „DOS VIDAS. ZWEI LEBEN. - versión calle“ lets these two worlds collide and the bridge over the Canal Isuto become the stage.


50 motorized cabs will bring the audience of the International Theatre Festival de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Fitcruz) to the bridge. There they will mix with the residents of Los Sauces and become together with them part of the performances as a performative audience. On the bridge, the two actors Jorge Arias Cortez and Nicola Fritzen expose their biographies to a public sociological inspection: Jorge Arias was born in Oururo, lived some time on the street, served two prison sentences for armed robbery, is an actor, street clown and sells handicrafts. Nicola Fritzen, born in Berlin, is an actor in German state and independent theatre.


One stays at the Swissotel. One lives in Los Sauces. Did one of them draw the worse lot in the 'lottery of birth'?


City as a mirror

The decision for Los Sauces as a venue in an urban area where a great variety of social levels meet in such a narrow space and where the where the project's question has been strikingly inscribed in the urban architecture is a central artistic element for both the Escuela Nacional de Teatro and KLARA, which is no least linked to a political concern.



„DOS VIDAS. ZWEI LEBEN. - versión calle“ will be developed in Santa Cruz de la Sierra in April 2023. The narrative basis is the previous production "Dos Vidas. Zwei Leben." which will be reformatted fo r the bridge over the Canal Isuto and adapted for the spatial and social conditions of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.


with: Jorge Antonio Arias Cortez (BOL), Nicola Benjamin Fritzen (D)

Directed by: Christoph Frick (D/CH)

Video, Foto: Simon Hegenberg (D)

Coreografical colaboration: Miguel Marín Savatier (BOL)

Dramaturgy: Katrina Mäntele (D), Jhonnatan Torrez (BOL)

Technical Director: Lorenzo Ariel Muñoz (BOL)

Production Manager: Catalina Schriber (CH/ARG)

Coach: Marcos Malavia (director of ENT) (BOL/FR)

A production of KLARA Theaterproduktionen co-produced by Escuela Nacional de Teatro in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Münchener Kammerspiele, Kaserne Basel and Ballhaus Ost Berlin. Supported by Internationaler Koproduktionsfonds of the Goethe Institut, Fachausschuss Tanz und Theater, Stiftung Pro Helvetia, Hauptstadt Kultur Fonds, Ernst Göhner Stiftung. In cooperation with Goethe Zentrum Santa Cruz de la Sierra.